Interview with Miral El Ramlawy – Founder of Thrive Consulting, UAE

INTERVIEWER: MAHMOUD MANSI “Without the right mindset you won’t be able to have the level of focus required to creating new opportunities for yourself.” Miral El Ramlawy ABOUT THE INTERVIEWEE Miral is a people and business enthusiast who promotes the idea of continuously reinventing yourself and re-creating your career. She founded Thrive Consulting in 2017 on […]

Agile HR: Q&A with Fabiola Eyholzer | Co-Founder Just Leading Solutions LLC

INTERVIEWER: MAHMOUD MANSI “Agile HR plays a key role in helping companies to become more adaptive and responsive in the face of constant change. It is the way forward to not only survive, but also thrive, in the Human Economy. And the best thing about it is, we in HR finally get to reinvent ourselves…” […]

حوار صحفي مع سلمى صادق – ممرضة طوارئ بمستشفى جامعة الاسكندرية

صحافة: محمود منسي الناس كانت متخيلة ان المهم في المجال الطبي هو الطبيب فقط ـ لكن اللي مش واخدين بالهم منه انه التمريض هو اللي بيفضل مع المريض بيلاحظ كل عرض وعلامة جديدة في تحسن أو سوء حالته الصحية وانه له دور عظيم جدا في عملية اتمام الشفاء سلمى صادق مجلة ثورة الموارد البشرية: ايه […]

Interview with Sally Khalil – Teacher and Librarian at New Horizon School, USA

Interviewer: Mahmoud Mansi “I’ve always wanted to be an actress and students are my beautiful audience who admire my tales with their wide-open eyes and curious questions. I like reading out loud and roleplaying from picture books to the little ones. This is when I know how rewarding it is, just from the happy look […]

Strategic Talent Acquisition Certification Program – HCI

By: Mahmoud Mansi Talent Acquisition as a function leads the organizations towards fulfilling its Mission Statement by continuously keeping the right talent in the right place, but without considering the “strategic” side of Talent Acquisition the organization will not be able to sustain its Mission Statement and move steps closer towards its Vision Statement. The […]

مقابلة صحفية مع ياسمين جزارين – مدربة موارد بشرية

صحافة: محمود منسي يجب على الأتش أر الاندماج مع العاملين والنزول من مكتبه إلى أرض الواقع لتفقد الأوضاع والتحقق منها وبالتالي يجب أن يكون أقرب للعاملين منه للمديرين. اتباع سياسة الباب المفتوح للإلمام بأدق التفاصيل والأحداث داخل المؤسسة فهذا يجعل قرارات إدارة الموارد البشرية أكثر استباقية لاحتواء أي متغيرات أو أحداث ياسمين جزارين مجلة ثورة […]

Q&A with Mohamed Gohar; Architect, Artist, TEDx Speaker & Entrepreneur

Interviewer: Mahmoud Mansi “I am always working with volunteers and in my opinion the most important factor is to give good example, to gain the trust of your team and empower them instead of using them. You need to be a team player and not a manager.” Mohamed Gohar ABOUT THE INTERVIEWEE Mohamed Gohar is […]

Being a Certified Leadership Development & Succession Strategist – HCI

Written By: Mahmoud Mansi Organizations can succeed in executing an efficient workforce plan, hiring the right talent, retaining its employees, but without an effective and strategic succession plan, the organization will not perform as good as it is performing today in its further future. In the process of succession planning, many organizations face a challenge […]

Q&A with Ahmed Mounib – Violinist and Composer

Interviewer: Mahmoud MansiCover Picture: Mohamed Ahmed Photography “Success is to be very flexible with the changes around you and being able to adapt your plans to them. In order to do this, you have to believe that your dreams are possible despite their difficulty, because if you don’t, others won’t also believe in them…” Ahmed […]