Intervju za Posao Uništava Samopouzdanje

Vriter: Yasmen Ragab Prevodilac: Maša Mišić Koje su Vaše kvalifikacije za ovaj posao? Drugim rečima, ubedite me zašto ste baš Vi osoba koja treba da dobije ovaj posao. To je bilo jedno od pitanja na koje je trebalo da odgovorim tokom intervjua. Dozvolite mi da kažem nešto o ljudima koji apliciraju za posao. Oni se suočavaju […]


Yazar: Yasmen Ragab Çevirmen: Sevde Nur Ünal “Bu iş için neden nitelikli bir aday olduğunu düşünüyorsun?” Diğer bir deyişle “Bana kendini sat.” Bu bir iş görüşmesinde cevaplamak zorunda olduğum sorulardan bir tanesi. Belki de mülakatlarla ilgili söylenmesi gereken ilk şey, gelen adayların bu görüşmelerin stresine dayanmakta zorlandıkları ve mülakatı yapan kişilerin bu süreci adaylar için daha […]

البيزنس من خلال عدسة بولا سالم ~ مصور وكاتب ورائد أعمال

صحافة: ياسمين رجب عن بولا سالم: يوناني مصري، مصور وكاتب وBlogger، عنده أ‘مله الخاصة، بس الحقيقة هو شخص بيحب النجاح وبيحب تعددية المجالات عشان كدة هتلاقي له بصمة في كل حتة – بولا سالم مبدئياً كدة عرّفنا إنت درست أو بتدرس إيه؟ بولا سالم: دراستي مرت بمراحل الحقيقة. أنا أول ما إتخرجت من ثانوي دخلت […]

Lessons Learnt from ALEXA’s Job Fair 2016

23 Feb. witnessed the second day of Alexa’s Job Fair. As an attendee who is not really interested in finding a job, it was quite an experience. There were dozens of hundreds of appliers who were trying to find a decent job that fit both their expectations and qualifications. There were lots of undergrads, too […]

Interview with the Founders of Holmes Burgers

INTERVIEWER: YASMEN RAGAB EDITOR: NADA KHAFAGA About Holmes: “Small burger place in Alexandria, Egypt. We’re not making those weird fancy burgers but we trust our beef.. You’re gonna like it.” THE INTERVIEW 1- HR revolution Middle East: Okay, let’s start. First of all how many partners are you? And what are your majors? Mohamed Fouad: Just […]

Fact: Job Interviews Can Destroy Confidence

“Why are you more qualified for this job? In another words sell me your qualifications.” That was one of the questions that I had to answer in an interview. Let me tell you something about those who apply for jobs; they have enough hard time to handle, and the last thing they need from you […]