“Why are you more qualified for this job? In another words sell me your qualifications.” That was one of the questions that I had to answer in an interview. Let me tell you something about those who apply for jobs; they have enough hard time to handle, and the last thing they need from you is to make their day harder. I am still young but I went to a lot of job interviews and they all had one major thing in common: you will never walk out of an interview feeling that you are good enough unless you are accepted for the job. Let me tell you another thing about job interviews; they don’t make a loser or a winner out of you. I don’t know who put the rules to interviews but they are a total failure. Instead of asking absurd and ridiculous questions, you can be more creative and humane. For example, you can ask them about the things they obtained through their self-learning process, or what was the toughest situation they went through in their previous jobs. That will help both of you more. This type of questions will increase their self-esteem and confidence, which will improve their answers, make it clearer and it will show you – as an employer – their true qualifications. In my opinion, destroying someone’s confidence for a job, which probably he will not get is not helping. I can sell you qualifications I don’t have if I can handle a snobby boss like you, trust me. This whole system needs to read more about psychology, I believe. If you are an interviewer, please, make your interviewee comfortable. Talk about Yourself for a couple of minutes and how you got to this job, how it all started, what you like and dislike about interviews. Don’t judge them and don’t make them feel like they are being judged. With all due respect, your precious job cannot be done on its own and that is why you need the person sitting right in front of you and what is asked from you is pretty simple. Jobs offers are win-win situations; one offers money for someone else’s time and effort, and this process needs mutual respect to be accomplished successfully. A lot of suitable employees are turned down daily from jobs they deserve because they couldn’t handle the stress of their interviewers. I believe what makes a leader a good leader is how he/she treats his/her followers not by how many followers are following his/her steps. So, be nice and you will get your job done right.
By: Yasmen Ragab
Photography: Dina Zayan
EDITOR: Nada Zeyada