Seis formas de se dar bem com o RH

Muitos empregados enfrentam problemas para ter um bom relacionamento e se dar bem com setor de RH. Isso acontece basicamente porque eles lidam com o departamento de recursos humanos de forma errada. Assim, a fim de melhorar seu relacionamento com os funcionários de RH, aqui vai algumas dicas? 1-Não tente ser muito esperto: Alguns funcionários […]

ستة أسباب تجعل مسئول الموارد البشرية ينفر من الموظفين

الكثير من الموظفين يواجهون صعوبة في التواصل مع أعضاء الموارد البشرية في محل عملهم، وذلك لأنهم يتعاملون معهم وكأنهم خصوم، فيترتب على ذلك زيادة ضغوط العمل على موظف الموارد البشرية وإحساسه بقلة التقدير من الموظف. ها هي بعض الأسباب التي تسبب نفور موظف الموارد البشرية ومعها نقاط لتحسين علاقة الموظف بقسم الموارد بشرية:- أن تطلب […]

How to Valentine your Employees?

Do you love your employees? Colleagues? Managers? It’s okay for one to love his or her co-workers as long as you keep it “formal”. Love is not only between couples, and valentine is for everyone who wants to celebrate any kind of love. So, how can you celebrate Valentine’s Day at work? Manager 2 Employee: […]

Ms. Balsam Conducts a Competency Based Interviewing Workshop – Just HR

Coverage: Alia Faramawi & Mahmoud Mansi How many companies can make an inaccurate choice, hire the wrong person and this person would cause the money tons of money loss and bad reputation? How can one control the errors that could be caused in an interview? What is the most common selection criteria for Egyptian companies? […]

Interview with Ms. Hala Abdou Saad ~ Branch Manager at El Takwa Tours

INTERVIEWER: MAHMOUD MANSI & ALIA FARAMAWI EDITOR: NADA ZEYADA 1-HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: As a Tours Manager, can you please describe to us your role? Hala Abdou Saad: As a tour manager, I have to organise and accompany group of holiday travellers on their tours especially for different locations in Egypt and overseas. My responsibility […]

Interview with Makeup Artist Nouran Barghash

INTERVIEWERS: MAHMOUD MANSI & ALIA FARAMAWI EDITOR: SALMA HANNO “Being an artist helps me in being a makeup artist” Nouran Barghash   THE INTERVIEW 1-HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: Mainly all the makeup artists I’ve seen are not veiled. As a veiled makeup artist what is your comment about that? Nouran Barghash: Veiled or unveiled at the […]