“Exploring Smarter Workforce “ Jobmaster / IBM – KenexA Event
Journalism: Ahmed Saadallah The Jobmaster / IBM – Kenexa event (held at the Fairmont Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt) included talks on numerous topics related to the new partnership between Jobmaster group and IBM-Kenexa. Most of the sessions introduced IBM- Kenexa and its importance to Human Resources leaders and organizations, Jobmaster Services and an enticing session about […]
حوار صحفي مع كارين بوسمان عن المضايقة والتحرش الجنسي في مكان العمل (نصائح لأصحاب العمل وموظفي الموارد البشرية التي ينبغي أخذها في الاعتبار)
“من قلبي، أرجوكم أن تتحدثوا في أولى مراحل التحرش الجنسي في مكان العمل.” كارين بوسمان هي من هولندا ومؤسسة موقع (About Workplace Harassment (AWH))، ومتحدثة دولية، وخبيرة متمرسة وناشطة سياسيًا حول موضوع التحرش الجنسي في مكان العمل. وتتحدث عن تجاربها الشخصية ودراستها المستمرة لتشجيع الناس على التحدث ومناهضة التحرش الجنسي في مكان العمل من خلال […]
Interview with Karin Bosman on Bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace (Tips for employers and HRians to consider)
Interviewer: Ahmed Saadalla “From my heart, please speak-up in the earliest state of the (sexual) workplace harassment.” – Karin Bosman Karin Bosman from Netherlands is the founder of About Workplace Harassment (AWH), international speaker, experienced expert and politically active on the topic sexual workplace harassment. She speaks from her personal experiences and ongoing study to […]
مقابلة شخصية مع أ / داليا فاروق بدر – مديرة دار نشر ومركز ثقافي طرح البحر بالإسكندرية
صحافة: أحمد سعدالله مراجعة: مازن قباري نبذة عن حياة أ / داليا فاروق بدر أ / داليا هي مديرة دار نشر ومركز ثقافي طرح البحر بالإسكندرية، حصلت على ليسانس آداب قسم اللغة العربية واللعات الشرقية ودبلوم عام في التربية من كلية التربية جامعة اسكندرية، تعمل كمدرسة لغة عربية بمدرسة الريادة للغات بالإسكندرية، بدأت بكتابة الشعر من منتصف التسعينات […]
Interview With May Abd El Aziz ~ Humanitarian Musician, Singer and Teacher from Egypt
INTERVIEWER: AHMED SAADALLA “You don’t have to help only the starving and the sick, all children need guidance. The ones in your family, in your circle, in your city and everywhere you go. Always find time to stop and guide them. That was a lesson about skin color. What they thought and what they’ve learned […]
The Ugly Truth Behind HR Comics
The Ugly Truth Behind HR Comics: “A perspective on how the HR professionals are perceived organizationally in Egypt.” You may have the guts to know what other people are thinking about you; but have you given it a chance to think about yourself as an HR professional working in Egypt?! 1st Dilemma: “Employees think that the […]
Being Unhappy about your Job: How wrong decisions may ruin your career and endanger your peace of mind
It is not only in Egypt, that many people are discontent with their jobs, this happens all over the world. But let’s agree on something, although it is our right to change our life, especially our career trajectory, sometimes we change it and discover that it took a turn for the worse, and this makes […]