The Digging Technique (DT)
Written by: Hazem Hassan Edited by : Asmaa Omar Deraaz, Mona Timor Shehata. Published by: Amira Haytham This era is not only the era of information but also the accurate detailed information, and the more we get them in the right way, the more we reach the most suitable and effective decisions in life […]
The Area under the Curve ~ Employee Based Management
Written by: Hazem Hassan Publisher: Amira Haytham The Area Under The Curve Employee Based management sees the performance as one of the great idols of the management. Without performance, you are doing nothing. And as the traditional wisdom says “what you can’t measure, you can’t manage” so the question here is “if you can’t really […]
إدارة الأداء
ما هي أهمية ما أعمله؟ ما الفائدة من وراء تلك المهمة التي سأنفذها؟ مَن المستفيد من ذلك العمل الذي أقوم بإنجازه؟ هل سألك موظفك من قبل هذه الأسئلة ؟ إذا قابلت هذه الأسئلة منه فاعلم أن الموظف أصبح مشتت بدرجة ما لإنجاز ذلك العمل والمشكلة هنا ليست الموظف ولكن المسؤول.. لماذا؟ تابع القراءة لتتأكد أن […]
How to Transform Your Current Employee into a Ready-Now Leader?
Creating a ready-now leader from your current employee is one of the best types of career development opportunity, that a company can offer to its employees. If you want to grow a leader, you primarily need to look for talents within your organisation and not seek for external talent sources. This means to get the leader […]
موظفى هو شريكى الاستراتيجي
من هو شريكك الاستراتيجي؟ “موظفك هو شريكك الاستراتيجي” وهذا الوصف يجب أن يبقى أمامك و فى ذهنك طوال الوقت عندما تتعامل مع موظفك أو أى شىء له علاقة به.. تخيل نفسك صاحب شركة صغيرة أو منظمة ضخمة أوقائد أو مديرأومشرف أو قائد فريق. بغض النظر عن منصبك أو لقبك أنت مسئول اسمح لى أن أسالك […]
Awareness Matrix
Let’s assume that”there is a point related to your employee’s work and let me call it X-point” Depending on this assumption answer the following questions: What isyour awareness degree of the X-point? What is your employee awareness degree of the X-point? The next matrix shows the possible combination between the responsible and his/her employee’s awareness […]
“Employee Based Management says if you want to get your business to the Second Level, you have to know carefully who your employee is, because s/he is the one to get you there.” Implementing SWOT Analysis on your employee; it is an approach to know more about your strategic partner, and to start picturing him/her […]
Haven’t you ever considered your employee as “your customer”? Haven’t you ever dealt with your employee from the perspective of “My Customer”? Each and every responsible has a goal and it is to get the most out of his/her employee by reaching the performance s/he has planned for. With the consideration of “your employee is […]
Employee Based Management says to motivate your employee in the best way and to make your employee makes sense in your organization and to take your Business-Prosperity to the second level, you have to link him/her (and the goals you create for him/her) with the big picture of the organization’s goals. For the following question […]
My Employee is My Strategic Partner
“Your Employees is your Strategic Partner” This motto has to be deeply embedded in each “responsible” mind while interacting with his/her employees because they are one of the most important and critical factors that lead to the Positive and Effective Performance. Imagine yourself as a company owner, a leader, a manager, a supervisor or as […]