By: Mahmoud Mansi

Are managers are to be replaced by robots in the future? And HRs would be replaced by a software program? With each year technology is dramatically excelling and surprising humankind with new developments. On the other hand, the science of human development, people and human resources is integrating towards the significance of “human capital” and the “talents” of people. So now there is an exciting contradiction between the taking over of technology and the power of human capital. Can this contradiction reach an agreement in the end? Or some sort of one of a kind equation where both factors can perfectly blend together to form a new kind of agreement; a formula that would take us a step closer to the Utopian human life we all aspire for?

QnA International – an industry expert and leader in the field of B2B Events, Summits, Conferences, Outsourced Sponsorship Sales, Creative Design and Professional Consultancy – is launching the second HR Tech Summit in 2016 that will be held at The St. Regis Dubai.

HR Tech Summit is an annual conference – the only one – that works on discussing IT & HR synergy along with the newest trends and assumptions.

1-Read the Future (New World Order)

People usually look at the future from a very personal perspective. What am I going to do tomorrow? Next year? Or in the coming 10 years? All this is good, but all self-centered. Yes even some CEO can think from this personal perspective: What is my organization going to do tomorrow? What is next year’s plan? What will my company achieve in the next 10 years and what will its market share be like? While some people look at the future from a bird’s view, then zoom in, and see the future from different eyes. HR Tech Summit will look at the future, will analyze it, and will build an HR stairway into the digital world.

2-Learning from The Past

A strong way to build a future analysis and a better understanding of the present is to always analyses the past. Looking back at the technologies used in other organizations and countries is a very solid case study that will be tackled through the conference as the speakers present their ideas and practices.

3-Branding Yourself

The world now is all about branding. Being visible in conferences will help you brand your own organization and department so will be working as a PR agent on one hand, and on the other you will be branding your own self as an individual among a massive amount of interesting minds.

4-Plan for Your Future Career

Since technology has been replacing many of the working force, then we as employees should rethink our talents and sharpen them to fit this new world order, and still have an effective seat in any organization. As HRs we should reconsider the future of our employees and utilize their talents to make their valuable for the organization last.

5-Understand the Trend

In all events the organizers usually leave a notebook and a pen on the tables for each delegate. If you are using these tools while listening, and drawing an understanding and a relationship between the philosophies of each organization, you will then create a map for the market. You will see the connections and disconnections. You will eventually be able to benchmark your own organization, create a new SWOT analysis, and set a new training or recruitment strategy.

Before you attend such a conference make sure to read the biographies of each speaker, read the company profiles of the partners and sponsors, and search the best HR practices that are involved with technology. If you are not a resident of Dubai, make sure to set an exciting trip and visit the places that will help you comprehend the culture of Dubai.

To Register:

Sidh N C, Director – Projects | Tel: +971 4388 5545 | Email:

Mustafa M, Global Partnerships Manager | Tel: +971 4388 5545 | Email:

Tina Newton, Conference Producer | Tel: +971 4388 5545 | Email:

