The 100 CHRO Summit UAE 2024: A Convergence of HR Leadership and Innovation

Dubai, UAE – The 100 CHRO Summit, hosted at The H Dubai Hotel on March 7th, 2024 and organized by 3novex Global, was a landmark event in the Human Resources sector, championed by HR Revolution Middle East Magazine’s comprehensive coverage as a Media Partner. The summit gathered over 150 CHROs and offered a rich tapestry […]

Q&A with Paula Wilson Sr. Director at Vmarsh Healthcare & Ex-CEO of JCI

Interviewer: Shivani Pal Editor: Mahmoud Mansi About the Interviewee: Paula Wilson is an experienced leader, manager and educator in the health care, higher education, and government sectors. Most recently, Ms. Wilson served as the President and Chief Executive officer of Joint Commission Resources/Joint Commission International, a global patient safety and health care quality organization. Her […]

Branding Tips in the Healthcare Sector: Q&A with Ilan Geva – Vmarsh Sr. Strategy Director

Interviewer:Mahmoud Mansi Ilan Geva is a global branding and consumer behavior expert, an author, speaker, trainer, and university professor. He co-authored the book “Global Brand Management” and wrote many articles for international healthcare and medical tourism publications. Among his clients are Ministries of health, trade and commerce, chambers of commerce, medical travel clusters, city councils, […]

رحلة مشرفة ل”مصري” في أمريكا.. “فخور بتمثيل بلدي والجهود المصرية لها صدى إيجابي دوليا”

صحافة: شيماء حمودة الدكتور محمود منسي، كاتب ومحاضر ومستشار في مجالات التنمية المستدامة، ومؤسس مجلة أتش أر ريفولوشن (ثورة الموارد البشرية) وأحد من النماذج المصرية السكندرية الناجحة والتي استطاع أن يكون نموذج مصري مشرف، ويكون لأبناءها بريق بخطوات مشرفة في خدمة المجتمع المصري وتمثيل مصر دوليا. ليكون منسي النموذج المصري الوحيد المنضم لبرنامج الزائر الدولي […]

Q&A with Sandeep Sharma – Executive Director of Vmarsh Healthcare

Interviewer: Mahmoud Mansi HR Revolution Middle East: As the Founder of Vmarsh Healthcare, how does providing healthcare consulting services impact the patient and promote overall wellness? Sandeep Sharma: This is very similar to how the “back stage” efficiency and excellence affects the quality of the play out front in a theatre! As an example, having […]

Q&A with Peter Turner | Executive Coach, Partner & Head of Coach Education

Journalist: Mahmoud Mansi 1. HR Revolution Middle East: Every unique organization has its own fingerprint, tell us more about the “2b Limitless” way? Peter Charles Turner: We build community not networks and we develop strengths not weaknesses.  2. HR Revolution Middle East: You have a remarkable educational journey being certified from many different entities. What have you […]

Q&A with Chris Cummings; CEO of Wellbeing at Work

Interviewer: Mahmoud Mansi Chris Cummings, Group CEO, Wellbeing at Work. Chris is on a global mission to create workplaces where employees thrive. He is Group CEO of Wellbeing at Work, organisers of the global series of Wellbeing at Work Summits, global workplace community called The Wellbeing at Work Hub and C-Suite community driving change across […]

Q&A with Hawanem Omara – HR Professional & Stevie Awards Judge

Interviewer: Mahmoud Mansi “God’s creation is irreplaceable. The development of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the future will make it possible to reduce the increasing number of complex situations and tasks, but there will always be situations that require creative thinking, which only humans are capable of…” Hawanem omara HR Revolution Middle East: What […]

إعلاميون وكتّاب وخبراء من الإمارات ومصر يرثون الشيخ خليفة – رحل قائد بالمعنى والقيمة

سادت حالة من الحزن الوسط الإعلامي والأدبي والثقافي بعد رحيل الشيخ خليفة بن زايد آل نهيان رئيس دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة الذي وافته المنية أمس الجمعة ونعى عدد من الإعلاميين والكتاب والخبراء الراحل، وقالوا رحل قائد بالمعنى والقيمة،حضوره كبير على كل الساحات، الوطنية والإقليمية والإسلامية والعربية والعالمية والإنسانية وقد قال محمود منسي – مؤسس مجلة […]

Q&A with Musa Bashir Usman – Publisher of The Value Chain Oil & Gas Magazine in Nigeria

Journalist: Mahmoud Mansi “I wish to advocate for renewed collaboration among African business entrepreneurs with a view to overcoming the myriad of common challenges facing the continent.” Musa Bashir Usman About the Interviewee Musa Bashir Usman is the Founder and Managing Director of the Media Consultancy Company, MBdotCOM, publishers of Valuechain magazine. He obtained his […]