Written By: Mahmoud Mansi
How much amount of money is invested in building the structure of a company from A to Z? Branding the identity, recruiting the matching leaders who will command this organization, training the employees, expanding in the market, expanding in research, etc…?
Imagine working on all this, and spending all this money while at the end you are not having the appropriate job descriptions, an inaccurate grading system, therefore you result with a misleading compensation system. Imagine how the direction of the company will gradually shift away from the main Mission and Vision, with its continuous expansion?
All the interviews, recruitment processes, performance appraisals, promotions and putting the right person in the right place, will all be built upon the incorrect base, on an unstable and unrealistic ground. Isn’t this enough threat to the biggest of all organizations? We all heard about organizations that spent tens of years in the market, but with the first crucial threat, they suddenly collapsed!
What if this is the case in one of the major companies, is it too late?
JOBMASTER (www.jobmastergroup.com) – one of the leading Egyptian companies in the field of development, human capital solutions, recruitment and consultation – is inviting the international instructor and HR professional Robert Mosley who is Exclusively in Egypt with JOBMASTER. Robert is leading two comprehensive writing workshops on a row that are customized on the Middle-Eastern environment, from Job Evaluation to Reward Management.
The first workshop starts from the 11th to the 14th of January 2016, and it will tackle Job Evaluation, Grading and Leveling.
The second workshop starts from the 16th to the 19th of January 2016, and it will tackle Compensation and Reward Management.
The workshops will take place in the JOBMASTER Premises in Maadi. There is a discount rate for the members of Global HR Forum.
Robert Mosley is a global remuneration expert, an HR consultant and he is the CEO of Lemon Pip Consulting Limited, UK. He has nearly 30 years of experience in HR and C&B. He did HR consulting work in over 20 countries. Robert spends most of his time working in and around the Middle-East and Asia, and now he revisits Egypt through JOBMASTER to offer this vital workshop to the Egyptian business environment, giving a chance to entrepreneurs, business-people, and HR professionals to celebrate the beginning of a successful 2016 with risks measured, managed and well prepared for.
To register for attending any of the workshops please visit:
Below are some of the testimonials of previous delegates who attended Robert’s workshops:
- “The Content was very good, the handouts are too condensed. Overall I was very satisfied with the course”
- “The course was amazing, although my background isn’t Comp & Ben. It was easy to follow and I gained experience”
- “My expectations from this session were most definitely exceeded. There were significant management tools acquired that I can expect to implement in my own organization to improve the culture, satisfy the management and better serve my organization and customers more efficiently”
- “If clapping was allowed during the course, I would have clapped after each Module & after each question answered.”
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