About Mohamed Fahmy Shehadeh: He is the Vice Dean of Scientific Research at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport. He is also a Professor at College of Engineering and Technology, Marine and Mechanical Engineering Dept. He is currently the Project Coordinator of the SWING Project (Sustainable Ways to Increase Higher Education Students’ Equal Access to Learning Environments – in the AASTMT Egypt.
HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: Tell us more about the SWING project and its relationship with the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)?
Mohamed Fahmy Shehadeh: The SWING Project is sponsored by Tempus. Tempus is the European Union’s Programme that supports the modernization of higher education in the Partner Countries. SWING Project aims to create sustainable policies in Universities to enable disabled students to have equal access to learning environments and programmes. Partners collaborate in the development, selection, procurement and use of accessible Information Technology and accessibility standards that will be available through the Accessibility Centers in Partner Countries: Morocco and Egypt.
The rational to AASTMT is establishing an accessible center at AASTMT. The proposed accessibility model places the student as the central focus by thinking about the four major accessibility themes with regard to the student journey: access to higher education, academic study, integration, and social life and employability.
The leaders of the SWING Project in the AASTMT are:
Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdelwahid Abdelbary, Prof. Dr. Walid Mohamed Aly Ahmed, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Essam Khedr, Dr. Walid Mohamed Abdelmoez, Dr. Khaled Ahmad Eskaf, Dr. Mohamed Nabil El-Shaib, Dr. Ahmed Khalifa Mehanna, Dr. Mohamed Hazem Eldeeb, Mrs. Nada Hany Sherief, Mr. Ahmed Hassan Abdel Samiaa, Mr. ShamsEldin Mohamed Elgarawany, Ms. Maram Mohamed Shouman, and more of the Academy Staff and Students that we are currently preparing to assist us in this project.
HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: How should a recruitment interview be like with a candidate with special needs?
Mohamed Fahmy Shehadeh: The candidate must have knowledge with the suitable Assistive Technology (AT) methods to help him/her work properly in such job. On the other hand, the interviewer must deal with a candidate facing disabilities such any other candidate applying for the job.
HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: Does the type of disability have an effect on the sort of interview questions?
Mohamed Fahmy Shehadeh: Yes.
HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: How can students with special needs start preparing for their professional life during their college period?
Mohamed Fahmy Shehadeh: They should be active with the rest of the students in all educational and social life activities. They should focus on education, enhancing physical and mental skills, they should acquire for new certificates. They should also master the usage of assistive technology, and not to forget investing their time in a hobby they like.
HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: According to an HR specialist, should the performance appraisal be customized upon the employee with special needs or should it be similar to the standard criteria?
Mohamed Fahmy Shehadeh: As a standard criteria, as people with special needs must be treated like everyone else.
HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: If I am an organization, why do I need to hire employees with special needs?
Mohamed Fahmy Shehadeh: This gives positive feedback to the community which supports the equality between people.
HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: How can we spread awareness among organizations regarding knowing the benefits of recruiting employees with special needs, and how organizations can trigger and utilize their special capabilities?
Mohamed Fahmy Shehadeh: By offering special courses along with presenting success stories presented by disable persons.
HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: Do you agree that the companies that sell the assistive technology hardware and software products sell them at an expensive price rate? What is your comment regarding that? And how do you suggest we deal with this problem in Egypt?
Mohamed Fahmy Shehadeh: Most of Assistive Technology tools are at low prices now. Currently the government is supporting people with disabilities by special funds. It also reduces the annual taxes rate for companies that hire employees with disabilities.
HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: How is the AASTMT willing to contribute to the community regarding spreading awareness, advice and solutions regarding this cause?
Mohamed Fahmy Shehadeh: By offering courses to support advanced IT technology, and by becoming a model for other universities who seek to implement the usage of Assistive Technology for their students.
HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: As a university professor, what pieces of advice would you recommend to HR departments in the educational sectors to enhance themselves?
Mohamed Fahmy Shehadeh: To be transparent with all sectors.
HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: Thank you so much for your time and for sharing your knowledge with us.