1-Recently you were a speaker at the Performance Improvement & KPIs Conference in Dubai. What was the most important piece of knowledge that you gained from this experience?

During the last day I participated in an intense workshop on the selection and of KPIs and target setting. It was rich in information vital for performance managers, and provided a deep insight on the various KPIs, target setting and alignment.

2-Do you think that the KPIs of the same job can change across time, from one year to the other?

Depending on the KPI. Some KPIs such as in the industry are pretty much set and are used year after year. A good example is FDI or ASAI regarding the power sector. However, depending on the corporate level measures they will have an effect on other KPIs on the functional and individual levels.

3-From your point of view what are the qualities of a clever public speaker?

Confidence, Knowledge, good vocabulary, establish eye contact with the audience and possess some humor.

4-From your point of view, what is the major contemporary HR threat across the Middle East?

A few years ago the major threat was losing talent to competing offers, but nowadays with the current economic downturn the worry is losing talent due to budget cuts and/or constraints.

5-What can HR do to support strategy?

HR is one of the most vital functions for any organizational strategy to succeed. Since Human Capital is one of the main segments of the BSC it is therefore essential that all aspects concerning human resources in an organization are strategically aligned to the overall corporate strategy, and, that the corporate strategy fulfills the need of its human resources. A good example is including a corporate objective: “Position HC as a strategic partner”; or “Become a preferred employer in the region within the power sector”.

6-Due to the increase of business conferences, do you think public speaking became as essential quality that should be considered before hiring any manager?

Depends from one organization to another. I believe that organizations seeking to hire talent on high ranked positions need to consider one of the virtues of such a position is being able to speak, and a good way knowing so is through public speaking.

7-When you got promoted to your current job title, what were your first decisions you took?

Continue learning and enhancing my skills and personality.

8-One of your hobbies is fishing, does this influence you or empower you in an indirect way at your work?

Helps me to relax and think. I also love to travel which also helps.

9-What are the main reasons behind unemployment in the Middle East from your point of view? What are your suggested solutions?

Depending on where in the ME. But of course political instability, lack of vision, planning and support from governments. Follow those who have been successful. Allow the public to contribute by innovating and developing. Give them the incentive to gain wealth and prosperity.

10-Many fresh graduates, middle age employees and professionals consider career shifting? What do you think about this move? And from your personal opinion why do you think the reason behind the increase in career shifting?

Depends really. But I personally do not prefer to change in career unless it is really necessary. Reasons for change can be due to: hostile cultures, lack of vision or plan, lack of appreciation, nepotism, and of course monetary.

11-As a professional you have been through several job interviews until you have reached your current position. What was the most difficult interview question you were asked, and what was your answer to it?

What is your expected salary? And my answer is: “what you believe I deserve considering my competencies, skills and experience attained.

12-What advice do you have to students who want to become successful in their careers? How can they create their own strategy?

My advice is for them to have plan for the long-term future with goals to achieve, and a back-up plan, if it does not go as planned.

13-If you are to create your own HR Summit, which country will it take place in, and what will be the theme you would like to choose? Why?

Preferred countries: Dubai, UAE; Hong Kong; South Africa. Theme would be: “Aligning organizational strategy to individual goals” Or “Aligning individual goals to organizational strategy”. Alignment is one of the key factors for success in strategy.