Established & Conducted By: Gihan Abu El-Ela

Edited By: Mahmoud Mansi

Personal Branding Reflections with Khawla Al Sammak

Self-Image Perceptions

Quote 1: Dream of Excellence

I see myself as the Number One Emirati lady who pursues her dream of excellence!


Quote 2: Customer Focus

I am unique and can provide value to my business by offering exceptional customer focus and providing value to the clients. The most important qualities that would be ME in others’ eyes would be Leadership.


Quote 3: Facing Challenges

One who stands up for a reason with an approachable positive personality.


Quote 4: Values

The values that I hold make me the happiest, by being proud and fulfilled.


Quote 5: Leadership

I love to lead and I believe that I am a born leader, and for me leadership is guiding and serving a meaningful purpose and holding myself accountable while aiming for excellence.”


Quote 6: Community

I am a positive and resourceful person who cares for the community and believes in spreading happiness and positivity.


Society as a Mirror

Quote 7: Implement Solutions

Others perceive me as a happy person who is unique, approachable and knowledgeable in her field. My clients and peers consider me as a ‘go-to’ resource who can identify the root cause of their issue; to suggest and implement viable solutions.


Personal Dreams

Quote 8: Dream Achiever

I am a dreamer and I dream of Excellence. I see myself as a successful Emirati business woman leading an awesome brand. I believe I can achieve my dream by being consistent in my efforts to bring out the best in ‘myself’ and ‘others’.


Noble Goals

Quote 9: Spreading Happiness

My primary goal is forming a brand that aims at making people happy. Just plain simple happiness! Whoever interacts with me and my brand should be happy and satisfied. I consider it a way of paying it forward and hope that these waves of happiness that we create will spread across the world, same as a perfume spreads through the air we breathe.


Life Contribution

Quote 10: Social Growth

I believe ‘anything BIG had first started small’, this principle has been leading me. I want to contribute to make the world a better and happier place. I am ready to make my contribution; dedicate my knowledge, ideas, skills and time, and start locally.



Quote 11: Learning

I am a creative person who loves to build and lead, by embracing the challenges that come in the way. I am a constant learner as I know that knowledge is the prime base of success.


Quote 12: Personal Growth

I am a positive person who aspires to bring the best out of myself and others. I believe, personal growth and development happen through inspiring and uplifting others.


Personal Distinctive Elements

Quote 13: Positivity

My outlook towards life, I believe everything is positive, and even negative can be turned to a multiple of positives. My cultural background and tolerance, my positive attitude, ethics and my intelligence, are all my strengths.


Sustaining Uniqueness

Quote 14: Beliefs

I am unique and I try to stay true to myself; my core values and strengths, ethics and morals, even during the hard times, which I call ‘testing times’. I always try to learn new things, keep myself updated and continue my education quest.


Defining Personal Branding

Quote 15: The Image of Me

Personal branding is marketing a personnel and their career as a supreme brand. It is an on-going process of establishing a prescribed image of ‘me’ in the mind of others.


Quote 16: Staying True

Developing a unique professional identity that distinguishes me from others in the professional field and accelerates me in the competitive field. The goal is to differentiate me from others while I stay true to my message.


Thank you Ms. Khawla 🙂

Personal Branding Section Empowered By ETREEK in cooperation with HR Revolution