We are born in a country whose motto is: Wherever you have special connections, then congratulations, you have the perfect life.
Special connections begin with little things in your life, and become wider and stronger as you get older.
The following sums up all the levels you will pass through in your life:
- It begins when you enter kindergarten. There is a school rule that children can only enter at the age of 3; however, I entered at 4 years because my birthday is in November and I was only 2 years old and 10 months. So, for two-month difference, I entered kindergarten nearly at 4 years old. If I had a special connection, I would have definitely begun school with my class.
- If your parents know your teacher quite well, you will be a special student when it comes to your year work and exams.
- Now, we have reached a critical point in the education zone, if you take a private lesson with the teacher, he will let you succeed; if not, you will fail. This point mostly happens in governmental schools where students no longer attend school but rather take private lessons.
Sports Team:
- X is a good player in basketball unfortunately he cannot join the basketball team. Why? Because other players have special connections with the coach and are added to the team, and as we know the coach is limited by certain number, while X is more qualified than them but this coach has ruined his dream .Of course not everyone who joins the team has a special connection, but some take the place of a well-qualified players.
- If you are a relative of or your parent’s friend is a professor, then don’t worry everything will be under control. You may not attend most of the lectures and you guarantee your year’s work. In some cases, students may know the content for the final exam simply because of their connections.
- If you know the teaching assistant quite well, he will also guarantee your reports or quiz marks.
- If your father is a professor there, you can guarantee your place as a teaching assistant even if you are the last of your class.
- Some professors oppress students and make them fail. A student without backup is helpless.
- Some professors aren’t fair enough in their grading system that they lower the marks or increase the marks of certain students. You don’t have the right to call for your right.
- Now, you are a fresh graduate and have passed all these levels, but believe me looking for the perfect job in your field will be one of the hardest stages in your life. If you have your own backup or special connections with the manager or the owner of the company, then congratulations you are almost there. Smooth job interview, excluding the test marks, you pass and you are employed regardless of your qualifications or your CV in comparison to others.
- Because of this, many disasters are likely to take place:
- These well-connected applicants fail in their job after a year or two, causing losses to the company.
- Buildings collapse due to the lack of experience, qualifications and conscience of a civil engineer.
- Wrong diagnosis of a young and unqualified doctor leads to the death of some patients due to wrong medicines given or even huge mistakes in operations.
- Banks: Can you imagine that a graduate of the Faculty of Law can work at a bank performing the job of a business graduate? It’s like imagining a doctor working instead of an engineer.
Well, special connections can do more than that.
- Shops: If you know the manager you always get a discount and maybe special brands at the stock.
- Café: Special discount and special service, if you know the manager or owner.
- Hospitals: it’s a must to pay a deposit before the patient enters even if he is dying; they are just concerned about the money. Can you imagine a person just died because he couldn’t pay the hospital deposit? It’s either you die or you enter a governmental hospital which is a disaster. That’s why poor people are deprived of their main rights in their country. All these rules and problems are erased with a special call from the hospital owner or a big doctor.
By: Mirna Magdy
Photography: Mahmoud Mansi
Edited by: Noha Aly Sleme & Nada Adel Sobhi