Interview with Mustafa Naisah, Mustafa Naisah, People Learning & Growth Partner
“We need to tap into the mind-set and enhance it by changing the story we tell ourselves each morning and in every situation, and that requires some training and practice. Once we acquire that positive, proactive, and growth mind-set, it will flawlessly reflect on our behaviors, and eventually the results we get.” Mustafa Naisah Interviewer: […]
Interview with Mr. Ishaq Ameen Alkooheji, Founder & Senior Consultant at IMA Consultancy
“The ROI methodology can be used for not only measuring the impact and ROI, but also for planning for better results, outputs, and tangible impact of talent development endeavors in the public sector or any other sector” Mr. Ishaq Ameen Alkooheji Interviewer: Nourhan Badr El-Din Brief Biography about the Interviewee: Mr. Ishaq Ameen Alkooheji is […]
Interview with Nader Bechini CRP, Director of ROI Institute MENA
Interviewer: Mariham Magdy “People need to be empowered with knowledge, skills, motivation and resources to maximize their personal and professional potential and to make a positive change in this world” Nader Bechini Brief Biography about the Interviewee: Nader Bechini CRP, is Director of ROI Institute MENA and ATD Expert facilitator. For the last 18 years he has […]
First Egyptian Business Journalist to Win the ROI Institute Award in USA
9th of Feb 19, Cairo – Egypt HR Revolution Middle East Magazine is thrilled to announce that “Mariham Magdy” HR Mgr. / Consultant & Trainer / Writer & Business Journalist with the magazine, won the ROI Institute Award for the Best ROI article written in 2018. Mariham is invited to attend the Award Ceremony which […]
Interview with Dr. Jack Phillips – Chairman of the ROI Institute
Interviewers: Mariham Magdy & Mahmoud Mansi “We particularly want to help the nonprofits use the ROI Methodology to be more efficient and have more impact with the great programs that they offer.” Dr. Jack Phillips The World Renowned and Award Winning Thought Leader, recognized around the world for his work with measurement, evaluation and ROI […]
Experiencing ROI Certification – ROI Institute Award Winner for Best Published ROI Article 2017/2018
Written By: Mariham Magdy – Winner of the ROI Institute Award for Best Published ROI Article 2017/2018, at the Annual Center for Talent Reporting (CTR) conference in Dallas, TX “People will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, But People will never forget how you made them feel” Maya Angelou This quote simply […]