Asmaa K. Marie’s Employee Diary ~ Shame on the Pharaohs!
Like most fathers, my dad faked the usual heart attack reaction, when he heard about the most recent addition to the sports I play: boxing. Seeing that he was only reluctantly letting me play football, saying it was too violent, I can’t say I wasn’t expecting that reaction to boxing. I, therefore, didn’t expect him […]
What’s Your Biggest Weakness?
Maybe this time they’ll forget to ask and I won’t have to lie! Most of the people I’ve asked agreed that “What’s your biggest weakness?” was one of the most annoying questions in a job interview. The first impulse that I usually get when asked that question is “It’s none of your business”, followed by […]
Selective Feminism
Most women believe they’ve got the short end of the stick in pretty much everything. Whether that’s true or not, I believe you make your achievements in life; as in it doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman. So even if things are more difficult for you and the circumstances are not ideal, it […]