Written By: Dr. M. Amr Sadik
Without doubt, we are all currently living in unprecedented time. The time that we may call it Crisis, or Coronavirus Time. We are bombarding with information that are coming from everywhere, some of them are credible, useful while others are nonsense, but at the end of the day, we are all trying to survive in these chaotic moments. However, due to the current circumstances, the world is changing so do the business landscape and workplace environment. In this period, most, if not all of us, have plenty of time that we can invest in, but with some sort of self-discipline and time-management.
There are some applications as well as laws of time that we have to understand and master them.
Applications of Time
Everything has its own law, so do the time.
Having said so, and because of the luxury time we have in-hand now, the right investment can be made, but people are divided into the following;
- Some will waste time in things that they cannot control,
- Others will enjoy chit chatting in mindless, and useless discussions,
- Whereas others whining from home quarantine and not going out to cafes,
- Many will keep watching news or follow some TV series, and
- Wise people will make the right investment in themselves.
Therefore, whether you fall into any of the above categories, we, eventually, all need Self-Discipline.
Self-discipline is defined as “the ability to make yourself do what you should do when you should do it, regardless if you feel like it or not.”
It is easy to do something when you feel like it. It is when you do not feel like it and you force yourself to do it anyway that you move your life and career onto the fast track. What decisions do you need to make today in order to start moving toward the top of your field? Whatever it is, either to get in or get out, make a decision today and then get started.
Late Peter Drucker, father of modern management once said; “When the end of the day rolls around, have you ever thought of yourself, “Where did my time go today?” If so, do you often vow to handle your time management better tomorrow? Do you commit to do a better job of planning?
This single act alone can change the whole direction of your life. Hereinafter some steps that you can follow to discipline yourself and manage your valuable time.
- DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT; exactly what do you want in each part of your life. Become a “meaningful specific” rather than “wandering generally.”
- WRITE IT DOWN; clearly and in detail. Always think on paper. A goal that is not in writing is not a goal at all. It is merely a wish and it has no energy behind it.
- SET a DEADLINE; for your goal. A deadline acts as a “forcing system” in your subconscious mind. It motivates you to do the things necessary to make your goal come true. If it is a big goal, set sub-deadlines as well. Do not leave this to chance.
- MAKE a LIST; of everything that you can think of, that you have to do to achieve your goal. When you think of new tasks and activities, write them on your list until your list is complete.
- ORGANIZE YOUR LIST; into a plan. Decide what you will have to do first and what you will have to do second. Decide what is more important and what is less important. Then write out your plan on paper, the same way you would develop a blueprint to build your dream house.
- TAKE ACTION; Do something. Do anything. However, get busy. Get going.
- DO SOMETHING EVERY DAY; that moves you in the direction of your most important goal. Develop the discipline of doing something 365 days each year, that is moving, you forward. You will be, absolutely, astonished at how much you accomplish when you utilize this formula in your life every single day.
Finally, invest in yourself and invest wisely.