Written By: Dr. Heena Bulchandani | HR Professional & Coach
Today morning I woke up with a strange thought and was wondering why did that thought even occur to me, what is behind it? A very unusual thought, “Are the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation relevant in today’s world?” Since then, I have been pondering over this.
Actually, there is a story behind it. Yesterday night, one of our family friends’ son got a job offer from one of the well-known organizations and was discussing with us whether to take that offer or not? As he was in two minds – salary offered in the new job was about 10% less than what he is getting in his present job. He said, “The new job will be in my hometown, I will be close to my parents. However, if I want to change my job again after few years, getting 10% high salary will again be a challenge! So, should I accept the new offer or not?”
The other day, one of our neighbors wanted to reward one of his employees for his dedication and commitment on a certain project. His company has a rewards system which offers various rewards that managers can give to their employees when needed. He gave two options to his employee and asked him what he wants – A day off or a gift card (with a decent amount). To my surprise, he said that he wanted a day-off; so that he could go to his home country to visit his parents. He added that he wanted to go to visit them again, as that is what would make him happier than buying things with the gift card! Though he had visited them couple of months ago, he still insisted on this reward.
My conversation and interactions with college students most of the times leave me puzzled. The fact is that most of the people prefer extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation. I often think, is this where the next generation is heading towards? The next question that I ask myself is – does this spring from individual’s upbringing or circumstances and experience?
What is better – extrinsic or intrinsic motivation?
Meaningful work is driven by intrinsic, rather than extrinsic, motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a nice way of describing when you do things primarily to receive a reward. Intrinsic motivation – or deep internal motivation – is much richer. Emerging research suggests that it is better to focus solely on intrinsic motivation, because deriving any motive whatsoever from external incentives could decrease performance.
Based on my experience, I would say that both are important. Extrinsic motivation is needed to motivate an individual, as at times, employees may feel demotivated for some or the other reason may be personal or professional. In this case, intrinsic motivation alone may not be sufficient for motivating an employee. On the other hand, if a person is highly intrinsically motivated, but there is no extrinsic motivation, a time will come, when the employee will feel the need for extrinsic motivation. Let me add, that concern for motivation is not only for employees, rather, for every individual!
Remember the time, when your mother has cooked your favorite food, not the first time, may be the 50th time. She feels happy cooking it for you; she cooks it with her heart. While serving, she stands next to you to listen to those magical words – “the food is delicious as always, no one can make this like you do”. Feel the look in her eyes and the smile on her face! Would you call it extrinsic motivation or intrinsic?
My suggestion to professionals is that before making a choice or coming to a decision, focus on what is important for you as an individual? What is that motivates you from within? What is that will give you inner happiness? Happiness of mind and soul. Think well before making a choice, don’t get carried away by what others say and feel. Taking advice or opinion from others is fine, but decision should be yours. Trust yourself. You need to own the decision, as you need to live up to that! Be it a job offer, selecting a life partner or migrating to another country.
Bibliography: https://www.fastcompany.com/3047370/the-only-type-of-motivation-that-leads-to-success
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