Written By: Eman ElShekh
As Peter Drucker said: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Human Resources Department is just like other departments & business units in the firm, its results should be tracked effectively to identify the impact on business productivity and profitability.
The narrative and casual observation shall support the vague and intangible results. While, statistics, and measurable results would help a great deal to manage, improve and optimize resources.
To manage the Human Resources department efficiently consider the below:
1- To link HR objectives with the organization strategic direction (Goals and strategies)
2- To formulate objectives in (SMART) way
3- To break down long term goals into small ones
4- To design milestones in order to check in agreed time
5- Share the HR team in setting department objectives
6- Divide HR tasks appropriately
7- Assign a clear mission and support with resources required
8- Give an authority equal to the responsibility
9- Follow up tasks accomplishment
10- Give constructive feedback
11- Evaluate actual work versus agreed objectives
12- Reward intrinsically and extrinsically
The below are little examples in recruitment function that only show the technique used that may support to follow in all functions
Using diversified strategies is also important to fulfill the objectives.
Finally, all HR functions could fortunately be managed, measured, improved like all departments which shall increase business productivity and profitability.