Dr. Rita Maselli – Jan. 5, 2017 Cairo, Egypt
No, this is not just another New Year’s Message, not one of those typically enthusiastic ones where we wish each other the best in “glitteringly” optimistic words, just like the one to the left.
No, this message has to be different because my friends, I’m seriously worried about the potentially disastrous situation that we’ll be facing in Egypt in 2017.
For the general economy and for many of our businesses, 2016 seemed to be a never-ending series of challenges, insurmountable obstacles at time, and frustrations on a daily basis. Like many of
you, I just kept on working, thinking and hoping (and praying at times) that things would get better; not to say that positive things didn’t happen. Those who know me, know that I am a die-hard optimist from deliberate choice and not because I don’t know any better.
But for me, for us, to approach 2017 with this same “ISA” (Insh’allah) philosophy would be pointless, and terribly irresponsible, since we are supposed to be HR and Business LEADERS, leaders being the operative word here.
WHAT AM I AFRAID OF? From all the indications splashed over world media, I believe that 2017 will be a very difficult year globally. That’s pretty much a given. The inter-connectedness of our world continues to bring us not only many common advantages, products and services but also inevitably locks us into struggles, shortages, mistakes and extreme reactions that come from both outside and inside our local realities and over which we may have little or no control.
SO WHAT ABOUT EGYPT? I believe that for Egypt, this year will be deeply critical in so many ways and at so many levels. It might very well define our future for many years to come. It may be that we’re reaching a “Tipping Point” (reference Malcolm Gladwell), a tipping point that can bring about a positive series of events or a multitude of disasters, some tiny and some colossal and most probably a combination of both.
WHAT SHOULD WE DO? We have to act. To cope with and survive this situation, we can’t just wait to see what happens. We need new solutions, new strategies and these can’t come from the same type of thinking that created the problems we’re facing. I don’t remember who said that, but if it’s true (and I believe that it is) then we must deliberately choose new ways of acting?
WE MUST CHANGE! Change what? Change our traditional way of thinking, of doing business, of reacting to situations, change the way we make decisions! The spiraling costs of all goods and services will force us to make decisions which can have dire consequences for us and our companies. Some of us will have to fight like warriors just to keep our companies from going under. Some of us will go under.
“WHAT THE HELL DO WE NEED TO BECOME BOLD FOR?” If you’re asking yourself this question, then here is the short version of the answer. Really simple to understand, but friggin’ hard to do:
- To leave behind our traditional way of thinking and look at all the “crazy” options without pre-judgment. Yes, we pre-judge, all of us do The difference is that some of fight not to.
- To let go of the “We’ve never done it that way before” trap and be prepared to take some real risks (calculated risks of course, not irresponsible ones)
- To objectively evaluate those risks, minimize them to the best of our ability and step forward anyway, afraid but determined
- To vigorously search out creative and innovative ways of solving our problems or facing your challenges without falling back into our comfort
- To go against the current of all those who “know everything” and who “have tried everything”, and want to discourage any new ideas at our
- To stand up to those who try to stop us from “really thinking” by imposing artificial limits and veiled
- To mentally fight and win against those who want our businesses to fail, who may even want Egypt to
- Are you prepared to become BOLD?
- Are you ready to think boldly, to act boldly?
- Are you ready to do your part as a professional in our business community to help us get out of this economic “nightmare” we seem to be trapped in?
- Are you ready to help others help themselves?
CALL TO ACTION: I’m asking you to become part of the BE BUSINESS BOLD (BBB) Movement of Egypt.
How many of you are up for the challenge? To become part of this movement! Let’s stop waiting for others to bring about change. I’m looking for a small group of collaborators, to volunteer their time, to help develop and guide this movement; working together to bring about a thinking culture change.
Note: The BBB will have no religious, political or commercial connections or ambitions.
- Level 1: Press Like to show you care and believe in the concept
- Level 2: Comment to tell us what you think of the idea
- Level 3: Share with others to help spread the concept
- Level 4: Email me at masellirita@gmail and use the subject title: BBB if you want to use your passion and drive to help develop this movement and shape a culture change. Tell me how you think you can
You’ll be hearing from us. This is only a beginning. Let’s work to find ways to … BE BOLD IN BUSINESS.