Ants are small insects, which God has created them to do the same job every day.  Ants do their job in a very organized and accurate manner without committing any mistake and without even getting bored.

Contrary to the above, God has created humans and has endowed them with the ability to invent, discover, create and change. Humans have the right to choose and change their careers more often. In addition, humans can opt for other jobs if they do not achieve self-satisfaction in their current careers.

Some people accept to be victims and succumb to external circumstances. Although they do not feel comfortable in their jobs and they spend their time complaining about it, they accept their jobs and their current condition. Accordingly, some people kill their creativity and this leads to failure.

On the other hand, others give up on whatever makes them dissatisfied and unhappy; unlike those who succumb to circumstances, some people are always in search of what will make them successful and content. It is hard to quit and start from scratch, but what people gain and learn from this experience will change their lives forever. If it is so hard for people to quit and give up at the moment, they should work hard to develop their skills by taking courses, studying and working hard. Self-betterment and self-development are indispensable in achieving a bright future. The great challenge and success are in people’s insistence on self-improvement, and in working hard to be better than yesterday. All what people need to do is to focus on their talents and work on improving them. Some people are aware of their talents and potentials, while others need to search for them. People need to ask their close friends and relatives, who know everything about them. This is because people are incapable of seeing themselves except when they view their reflection in the mirror. Hence, trustworthy people are the only ones who can guide others to know themselves more.

Therefore, loving what you do is the key for success and uniqueness. If you have an intended goal, do not give up on it. Believe in your dreams because all the famous and successful people have achieved their goal by insisting on their dreams. Eventually, this dream has become true.

These quotations are told by people, like Walt Disney and Steve Jobs, whose persistence has contributed to their success. “If you can dream it, you can do it” Walt Disney.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Steve jobs.

Now it’s your turn to choose whether to live like humans, who use their intellect to choose, develop and improve, or to live like ants doing the same job every day. However, the difference is that ants never get bored, stressed or depressed. It is great to improve yourself from one time to the other as the real challenge is to work hard on being better than yesterday.

By: Ola Youssry

Photography: Sarah ElSadek

EDITOR: Nada Zeyada