Do We Need To Create More Opportunities For Lower And Middle Class Upliftment?
Written By: Shazia Patel (South Africa) Edited By: Basma Fawzy, Mona Timor Shehata “Without effort, ambition, and clear business goals, for yourself, your community, your country or whomsoever you intend to benefit, you are less likely to achieve. The only real way to climb up the ladder is to optimize your time, utilize your resources, […]
الصحافة في جنوب افريقيا – مقابلة صحفية مع رئيس قسم الصحافة والتليفزيون بجامعة جوهانسبرغ البروفيسور ييلفا رودني
صحافة: شاذيا باتل ترجمة:غادة الجندي مراجعة: مازن قباري “نحن نحتاج إلى صحفيين مفكرين ومثقفين لتفسير ما يحدث بمجتمعنا المتغير أكثر من أي وقت مضى على الإطلاق” ييلفا رودني المجلة: ماهي مؤهلاتك؟ ومن اين اكتسبتها؟ ولماذا بالتحديد دخلتِ بمجال الصحافة؟ البروفيسور: حصلت على درجتي الماجستير في فنون الصحافة والسياسات على التوالي ودرجة الدكتوراة في وسائل الإعلام. […]
Interview with Dr. Goolam H Mohamed, Chief Medical Officer and Head Fertility Specialist at Sandton Fertility Centre, South Africa
INTERVIEWER: SHAZIA PATEL HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: What is your role in Sandton Fertility Clinic (SFC)? Goolam H Mohamed: I started SFC and I am also the Director of the Clinic. I practiced there as the sole clinician for many years. HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: Are you still the only clinician working there? Goolam H […]
Journalism in South Africa – Interview with Dr. Ylva Rodny Gumede – University of Johannesburg – Head of Journalism, Film and Television Department
INTERVIEWER: SHAZIA PATEL HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine: What are your qualifications and where did you gain them? Why did you get into journalism? Ylva Rodny Gumede: I have two MAs in Journalism and Politics respectively and I also did my PhD on news media. I got my first job in journalism after graduating with a BA […]