فوضى إعلانات الوظائف
خلال محاولاتي للبحث عن الوظيفة المناسبة، رأيت العديد من إعلانات الوظائف لمختلف المؤسسات والمهام الوظيفية، وطالما سألت نفسي ماذا تعني هذه الاعلانات؟ هل هم جادون حقاً بشأن هذه المتطلبات؟ هل يعلمون ما هو المطلوب تحديداً من المتقدم للوظيفة؟ ووجدت الشيء المشترك بين معظم هذه الاعلانات:- هو الغموض وعدم التحديد.. من مواصفات إعلان الوظيفة الجيدة أن […]
Understand Your Employee (The Win-Win Approach)
Have you ever wondered what makes an employee happy and satisfied with their job? For sure money is the first thing that comes to mind, but is that the only factor that affects employee satisfaction? Focusing on human motivation, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology introduced by Abraham Maslow. It is often […]
Job Ads Chaos
During my journey of searching for the right job, I have viewed dozens of job ads, for different job titles, descriptions, organizations, and I keep asking myself what these ads really mean, are they serious about their requirements? Do they even know what they want from the candidate? The common issue between most of these […]
The Missing Clue
When we take a look at a typical organization, we can find the following: a group of people distributed among different departments inside the organization. These departments could differ according to the type of organization and the working environment inside. However, there are important questions that need to be asked: on what basis do these […]